Craftera - Responsives Mehrzweck-Shopify-Thema

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shoppingBag Verkäufe: 8


Erstellt: 07.10.2022

Aktualisiert: 07.10.2022

ID: 280509

og体育首页ONE - Unbegrenzte Downloads für $12.40/Monat

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Craftera - Responsives Mehrzweck-Shopify-Thema - Eigenschaften Bild 1

Craftera - Responsive Multipurpose Das Shopify-Theme wurde mit unverwechselbaren, vollständig anpassbaren, angemessenen und aufmerksamkeitsstarken Online-Webshops für Produkte wie Kunst, Kunsthandwerk, Dekoration, Geschenke, Kosmetika, Spielzeug usw. erstellt. Wir haben Ihnen alle Tools zur Verfügung gestellt Sie müssen dieses Thema anpassen. Wir haben dem Themenpaket Schritt-für-Schritt-Videoanleitungen beigefügt. Der klare Stil und der lebendige Hintergrund von Craftera zeigten Ihre Artikel. Craftera Shop ist ideal für die kreative Präsentation Ihrer Kunst, Galerien, Waren und Geschäfte. Seine Breite ist komplett responsiv und passt sich jeder Bildschirmgröße und Auflösung an.

2 Bewertungen für dieses Produkt

Wow! I loved this theme. It’s perfect for my store. I’m exciting for edit.
Thank you so much for the kind review! We really appreciate it :)
Ethan Hill as an production assistant on the project has been very kind. Template Theme nice and perfect for the implementation of my ideas in my crafty shop. The most pleasant thing about this template is the color palette (they are beautiful but sober), and the details regarding accessibility and visibility of images in the main menu, from the customer's perspective, so that you can get an easy and expedited purchase. One problem was that metafield customization is not easy and accessible: (as for the client to upload on the product page, when making their purchase in each product, image files to personalize their order, or they can also add a text to other products to personalize a greeting card, for example, which are precisely in the case of my store what I needed) , but Ethan, who is the support assistant, is trying to help me fix this, and I know that we are going to get these meta fields included.
Thank you so much for the kind review! We really appreciate it :)

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Über den Autor

Guru Author


4,6 /5
Support rating (133 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 114 4 7 3 2 2 0 1 10
Reaktionszeit: Fast This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.
Support Maverik Support Maverik


Theme Architecture Version:


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General software requirements:

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