Fabricator - Industrial Company WordPress Elementor Theme

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shoppingBag Sales: 191

Created: Dec 27, 2017

Updated: May 6, 2020

ID: 66334

og体育首页ONE - Unlimited Downloads for $12.40/mo

480k Items | Commercial Use License permits using this item to create unlimited digital end products for sale during the active period of your subscription. | Support Join to Download this Item  for Free
Fabricator - Industrial Company WordPress Elementor Theme - Features Image 1Fabricator - Industrial Company WordPress Elementor Theme - Features Image 2Fabricator - Industrial Company WordPress Elementor Theme - Features Image 3Fabricator - Industrial Company WordPress Elementor Theme - Features Image 4Fabricator - Industrial Company WordPress Elementor Theme - Features Image 5Fabricator - Industrial Company WordPress Elementor Theme - Features Image 6Fabricator - Industrial Company WordPress Elementor Theme - Features Image 7

Fabricator is a functional WordPress theme from Templateog体育首页, which is created specifically for the design of the industrial company websites. This theme has an elegant, thin and conservative design, and soft colors and shapes, that convey the content of the site to users as easy as possible. Fabricator is a very simple theme that is made in the style of minimalism, and it’s suitable for small or novice businesses. Despite being minimalistic, this theme offers everything you need. Fast response rate, intuitive interface, stunning artwork and fully adjustable looks with blogging and social network support. There is an ability to manage products, prices, and payment method. There also are fully customizable product description pages

12 Reviews for this product

Il template è stato utilizzato per una fabbrica di produzione, il design è abbastanza moderno e si adatta bene alle aziende di produzione. Ha delle view diverse essendo responsive anche se la parte mobile presenta dei problemi di difficile gestione. Per il resto la documentazione e l'interfaccia sono di facile utilizzo ed installazione. i colori sono in linea ed è compresa un po' tutta la documentazione per poter operare autonomamente
Realizzazione ottima, diverse pagine con grafica unica per diversi utilizzi. Personalizzazione con Elementor semplicissima. Per i più esigenti si può optare per la versione PRO.
i can tell that this theme is well designed and great choice for others. This theme is clean and concise and allow end users to focus on content and not worry about troubleshooting design flaws. Thank again for nice and clean work
Very clean and professional layout. The author's help site is super which helps for a fast installation and even more filling the template with demo content. I used this template to create a Garden- / landscaping and yard design-website. I love ELEMENTOR as a website designing plugin / tool a lot - it was the most important point regarding website designing for me myself. After purchase the template was online within one hour.
Very cool and impressive design. It is slightly overloaded with plugins and widgets but you can turn off all unnecessary stuff and get over 50 points in Google console (for example, i do not need all these animations, counters, progress bar plugins so i turned them off which had added around 10 points in GC). And a lifetime license for Jet Elements and Jet Menu make this template be the best choice for using in every website, not only industrial-oriented companies. Had purchased a developer license for 5 copies and will get all my websites migrated to that template.

2 Comments for this product

When this theme was last updated ?
Hello Samidha Kolhatkar. Thank you for question. This theme was released few months ago and has not been updated yet. You can also join our live chat at http://chat.template-help.com/ to get immediate assistance on your questions. Regards, JJ Blackstone
In all honesty this template is poorly done, you will waste a lot of time hacking it to make it work which defeats the purpose of a template. As a very experienced developer i had a lot of trouble with it, i can only imagine the kind of trouble others will less experience will have. Was it not for client buying it and needing to use it i would have dropped it half way through the development and restarted the site with a different template.

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